Please join us on Friday October 25, 7 – 9:30p for an evening to raise awareness and support for Creative Justice, at The Grocery Studios.
Creative Justice is a transformative organization that uses art as a tool to dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline, working with young people to help them become leaders in community and the workplace.
Together we’ll learn more about the work Creative Justice does, have some great food, and do a hands-on letterpress printing workshop with our friends Day Moon Press!
We’ll have catered appetizers, delicious cocktails and beverages, and a chill atmosphere flowing with creative energy and conversation about supporting our youth and building a positive future.
It’s a great opportunity to dream with other like-minded people with backgrounds in art, creative culture, and design.
RSVP to reserve your spot
All funds go directly to Creative Justice
Please carpool, rideshare, or take lightrail (we’re a 7-min walk from Beacon Hill Station) to reduce parking impact on our residential neighborhood.

Creative Justice builds community with youth most impacted by the school-to-prison-(to-deportation) pipeline. Art makes us think and it feeds our spirit. It is also a conduit towards a more just world. By responding to personal and social issues through the creative process, youth and mentor artists engaged in Creative Justice articulate both the identity and potential of their communities. The program works to increase understanding of the root causes of incarceration, like systemic racism and other forms of oppression, while simultaneously strengthening the protective factors and pro-social behaviors that allow us all to make positive life choices.
- Prepare young people to be leaders in community and the workplace;
- Amplify youth voice as a source of community transformation;
- Promote teamwork, collaboration, and community engagement;
- Help lift up the power of young people of color, youth from low income-families, and LGBTQA youth;
- Increase youth and community understanding of the histories and conditions that create racism, classism, sexism, heterosexism and other forms of oppression; and
- Enhance skills that help young people reflect on their social position, choices, and personal power so they can stay out of jail.
Creative Justice has established a relationship with the KC Prosecutor’s office and offers this arts instruction for court-involved youth with an agreement that their time and creative work can be used in mitigating any active court case they may be facing.
In this way, Creative Justice asks our justice system to behave differently: to view our youth through a wider lens, to trust the community to address its own needs, and to celebrate the strengths and creativity of young people navigating a complex world.
Artisan-owned, Family-owned, LGBTQ-owned
Day Moon Press provides custom letterpress printing and consultation services to people excited about their print and design projects, as well as a retail venue for letterpress prints, cards, and various book arts. Using over 40 years of multi-generational experience and our extensive collection of tools and equipment, we have the ability to produce complex and elegant work while collaborating with the project creators. From business cards to stainless steel coffee filters, our craftsmanship and knowledge about printing and project engineering is respected among letterpress printers and designers.